

liaozi's 的頭像
liaozi 在 2007-10-30 (二) 16:01 發表


user warning: Access denied for user 'len_1162241'@'%' to database 'len_1162241_topseafood' query: LOCK TABLES cache_filter WRITE in /home/vol3/lenhost.info/len_1162241/topseafood.lenhost.info/htdocs/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 172.

我翻了一下與database.mysql.inc on line 172有關的資料,好像是mysql的設定檔問題,我在lenhost無法額外設定,應該是無解吧~


資訊 程序數值 / 整體值
auto increment increment 1
auto increment offset 1
automatic sp privileges ON
back log 64
basedir /usr/
binlog cache size 32,768
bulk insert buffer size 8,388,608
character set client utf8
(整體值) latin1
character set connection utf8
(整體值) latin1
character set database latin1
character set filesystem binary
character set results utf8
(整體值) latin1
character set server latin1
character set system utf8
character sets dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
collation connection utf8_unicode_ci
(整體值) latin1_swedish_ci
collation database latin1_swedish_ci
collation server latin1_swedish_ci
completion type 0
concurrent insert 1
connect timeout 10
datadir /usr/local/mysql/data/
date format %Y-%m-%d
datetime format %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s
default week format 0
delay key write ON
delayed insert limit 100
delayed insert timeout 100
delayed queue size 1,000
div precision increment 4
engine condition pushdown OFF
expire logs days 0
flush OFF
flush time 0
ft boolean syntax + -><()~*:""&|
ft max word len 84
ft min word len 4
ft query expansion limit 20
ft stopword file (built-in)
group concat max len 1,024
have archive YES
have bdb NO
have blackhole engine YES
have compress YES
have crypt YES
have csv YES
have dynamic loading YES
have example engine NO
have federated engine YES
have geometry YES
have innodb DISABLED
have isam NO
have merge engine YES
have ndbcluster DISABLED
have openssl DISABLED
have ssl DISABLED
have query cache YES
have raid NO
have rtree keys YES
have symlink YES
hostname sql2.byetcluster.com
init connect
init file
init slave
innodb additional mem pool size 1,048,576
innodb autoextend increment 8
innodb buffer pool awe mem mb 0
innodb buffer pool size 8,388,608
innodb checksums ON
innodb commit concurrency 0
innodb concurrency tickets 500
innodb data file path
innodb data home dir
innodb doublewrite ON
innodb fast shutdown 1
innodb file io threads 4
innodb file per table OFF
innodb flush log at trx commit 1
innodb flush method
innodb force recovery 0
innodb lock wait timeout 50
innodb locks unsafe for binlog OFF
innodb log arch dir
innodb log archive OFF
innodb log buffer size 1,048,576
innodb log file size 5,242,880
innodb log files in group 2
innodb log group home dir
innodb max dirty pages pct 90
innodb max purge lag 0
innodb mirrored log groups 1
innodb open files 300
innodb rollback on timeout OFF
innodb support xa ON
innodb sync spin loops 20
innodb table locks ON
innodb thread concurrency 8
innodb thread sleep delay 10,000
interactive timeout 2,000
join buffer size 4,190,208
key buffer size 536,870,912
key cache age threshold 300
key cache block size 1,024
key cache division limit 100
language /usr/share/mysql/english/
large files support ON
large page size 0
large pages OFF
lc time names en_US
license GPL
local infile OFF
locked in memory OFF
log OFF
log bin OFF
log bin trust function creators OFF
log error
log queries not using indexes OFF
log slave updates OFF
log slow queries ON
log warnings 2
long query time 5
low priority updates OFF
lower case file system OFF
lower case table names 0
max allowed packet 1,047,552
max binlog cache size 4,294,967,295
max binlog size 1,073,741,824
max connect errors 1,316,134,911
max connections 300
max delayed threads 20
max error count 64
max heap table size 134,217,728
max insert delayed threads 20
max join size 1,000,000
max length for sort data 1,024
max prepared stmt count 16,382
max relay log size 0
max seeks for key 1,000
max sort length 1,024
max sp recursion depth 0
max tmp tables 32
max user connections 20
max write lock count 4,294,967,295
multi range count 256
myisam data pointer size 6
myisam max sort file size 2,147,483,647
myisam recover options OFF
myisam repair threads 1
myisam sort buffer size 67,108,864
myisam stats method nulls_unequal
ndb autoincrement prefetch sz 32
ndb force send ON
ndb use exact count ON
ndb use transactions ON
ndb cache check time 0
ndb connectstring
net buffer length 16,384
net read timeout 200
net retry count 10
net write timeout 400
new OFF
old passwords OFF
open files limit 90,000
optimizer prune level 1
optimizer search depth 62
pid file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
port 3,306
preload buffer size 32,768
profiling OFF
profiling history size 15
protocol version 10
query alloc block size 1,024
query cache limit 524,288
query cache min res unit 128
query cache size 268,435,456
query cache type ON
query cache wlock invalidate OFF
query prealloc size 65,536
range alloc block size 2,048
read buffer size 1,044,480
read only OFF
read rnd buffer size 4,190,208
relay log purge ON
relay log space limit 0
rpl recovery rank 0
secure auth OFF
secure file priv
server id 0
skip external locking ON
skip networking OFF
skip show database ON
slave compressed protocol OFF
slave load tmpdir /tmp/
slave net timeout 3,600
slave skip errors OFF
slave transaction retries 10
slow launch time 2
socket /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
sort buffer size 4,194,296
sql big selects OFF
sql mode
sql notes ON
sql warnings OFF
ssl ca
ssl capath
ssl cert
ssl cipher
ssl key
storage engine MyISAM
sync binlog 0
sync frm ON
system time zone EDT
table cache 20,000
table lock wait timeout 50
table type MyISAM
thread cache size 384
thread stack 262,144
time format %H:%i:%s
time zone SYSTEM
timed mutexes OFF
tmp table size 134,217,728
tmpdir /tmp
transaction alloc block size 8,192
transaction prealloc size 4,096
tx isolation REPEATABLE-READ
updatable views with limit YES
version 5.0.45-Debian_1-log
version comment Debian etch distribution
version compile machine i486
version compile os pc-linux-gnu
wait timeout 40

LOCK TABLE的權限是不是需要向網管反映,小弟都自行站架,沒找過webhosting所以還沒遇過類似的問題。

cogito ergo sum 我思故我在

freehosting無法管控,所以沒法弄囉 :(
lenhost預設有Drupal 5可以裝,不過我怎麼裝都裝不起來(可能是該站的管理者寫的install script出問題了)

cogito ergo sum 我思故我在

用lenhost.info的自動安裝程式可以順利安裝Drupal 5.2,重點在填寫databasehost, databasename, username,password的畫面時,另外開一個VistaPanel更改帳號的密碼,然後再用此更改後的密碼填入密碼欄位,按繼續就不會出現Lock Tables了。

更改 .htaccess後,Clean URLs也可用,使用中也沒有出現錯誤訊息的情況,lenhost.info真的不賴,速度也不錯。

請再試一次吧 !
ps :有圖有真相

改了密碼後果然lock tables的錯誤訊息就沒了

cogito ergo sum 我思故我在

請問一下您在測試附件檔案時有修改 files.inc 嗎?
ex: 好看的圖片.jpg => jpg
ex: 01好看的圖片.jpg => 01好看的圖片.jpg (以FTP看檔案也不會亂碼,而且下載沒問題)


lenhost有個小bug,每新增一個資料庫後,都必需重新設一次密碼,否則 lock tables 的問題會一直存在 XD

cogito ergo sum 我思故我在

沒有修改 files.inc耶。

我在附加中文字為首的檔案時,無論本地或lenhost.info也都會出現問題,將連線校對改為utf_unicode_ci 重裝Drupal也一樣,不解?

另外在lenhost.info新增一個joomla 為名的資料庫時,未重設密碼,並沒有發生lock tables情形。


在Linux以GNU Debian架設(沒動特別動php或mysql設定檔),我用jimmy兄所提供的檔案解決


若是真的想解決,恐怕得修file.inc,讓此檔的參數符合lenhost的標準 (lenhost安裝debian或許不是以utf-8為預設系統語系吧,我猜地~)

cogito ergo sum 我思故我在