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An alternative e-commerce system. Orders are saved as nodes so that they can more easiliy be integrated into Views and use other Drupal features & modules such as comments, nodeapi, Workflow, Actions, etc..
Order is a self-contained module that provides cart and order functionality. An API is provided for other modules to adjust prices and item contents via order_cart_alter() hooks. After rules are processed, and the cart's owner is ready to check out, the cart is saved as a node.
Payment processing is separate from this module, and will operate independently (so one could write a donation system that doesn't need full-blown cart functionality, or find other reasons to pay for nodes outside of the order system).
There's more to come, and this is pretty rudimentary. Input is welcome, but don't try running this on a production system yet!
本模組的原開發者一年多來都沒有進展,我等不及就直接從 CVS 抓回來把它完成以及改良。
The original code at http://cvs.drupal.org/viewvc.py/drupal/contributions/modules/order/.
參閱 drupal.org 中 cvs 的條款 http://cvs.drupal.org/viewvc.py/drupal/contributions/TERMS.txt?view=markup
"All content submitted to the repository is automatically assumed to be licensed
under the GNU/GPL. Any content that is not licensed under the GNU/GPL should
not be added to the repository and when found it will be removed by the owner."
因為在 cvs 中取得原始碼,本模組也同樣以 GNU/GPL. 釋出。
* 可對任何 content type 視為 order 的對象,予以標示或不標示價格。
* 配套搭售商品 related item 功能,有點神奇。(這個原作的進度 100%)
* 商品購物車功能。
* 訂購記錄查詢 -- 位置在「使用者帳號」和 admin/order 。
* 權限控制 -- administer orders, place order, use cart. 假如開放給非會員下單,check out 之前會要求填聯絡表單,但這個部分目前在表單送出前不檢查各欄位。另外也可以要求在 check out 時臨時加入會員或直接登入,以完成 order。
* 用戶 check out 之後,系統會發一封通知給 admin/order/settings 中的 e-mail。
* check out 之後,只是下訂購單記錄,並非完成付款。check out 之後會有付款訊息說明,可透過 admin/order/settings 中,指定付款說明頁面。
* Payment information 會顯示訂單編號、未付款、付款說明頁連結、取消訂單連結。其中取消訂單連結,如果由order管理員標示為 shipping 則不會給用戶取消,想也知道寄出的貨品還被取消訂單的話,就白忙了。
在這裡我留了伏筆,將來可以擴充功能的連結,如按下「付款」按鈕就接到金流的部分。( order.module line 753. )
* 原作者有留 views 和 一些 hooks, api,address,現在我不是很懂,沒有更改它們,只是把這個模組先做到可以用的程度,我想這個部分還可以再繼續發展一些五花八門的外掛功能,畢竟購物車的花招很多,但目前只訴求簡單,最低的應用限度。
* 保留一些用不到的程式碼當作參考,目前尚未清除。
* ...
* 本模組適合應用於簡單、基本的訂購網站或產品詢價網站。
* 搭配 content type + user profile 使用。
* 用 views 來呈現自訂的商品內容列表,再加客製化的 node tpl,會很有看頭。
Developers for Order
Allie Micka
LIN, Chen-sheng / Hipfox
harry at ap247 DOT net
web site: http://demo.ap247.net
順便轉貼一下在「願無伐善無施勞」http://kiroro.prophp.org/blog/258 的文章,滿有意思的,灌灌水 ;)
when I say "I'm a programmer"
when I say "I'm a programmer" 當我說「我是個程設師」
I am not searching for most popular software and its last version 我並不在找尋最熱門的軟體
but its steady and function 只是他的功能和穩定
which should achieve my need and ensure me data security 能達到我的需求且保證我資料的安全
when I say "I'm a programmer" 當我說「我是個程設師」
I didn't pursuit the speed of CPU and the size of RAM 我並不追尋cpu的速度和ram的大小
I do figure out how to optimize the program 我想要去將程式作最佳化
which is instructed by Algorithm and Data Structure. 那是資料結構和演算法所告訴我的
when I say "I'm a programmer" 當我說「我是個程設師」
I didn't care about how beautiful it looks 我並不介意他看起來如何
but care about how it runs 但介意他是如何執行
I believe the latter is much important than former. 我相信後者比前者重要的多
When I say "I'm a programmer" 當我說「我是個程設師」
I didn't mean I can write all of languages 不是說我會寫所有的語言
there are always the document and the examples 但總有說明文件和範例
so I can follow and become like that. 我可以照作使我看來如此
When I say "I'm a programmer" 當我說「我是個程設師」
I didn't coding every line 我不會自己寫完每一行程式碼
I google for existing library as my stepping-stone. 我找尋已經存在的程式庫作我的墊腳石
so the program are actually the brainchild of many. 所以程式其實是多人的產物
When I say "I'm a programmer" 當我說「我是個程設師」
I am not superior to the user 並非我比使用者優秀
both am I a user and a programmer 我既是使用者也是程設者
the sweat of programmer is less significant than the convenience of users 程設者的辛勞總比不上使用者的便利
語出 論語 公治長第五
Ref -- 妙思雅築 人的一生到底在追求些什麼?
雪特!正找不到理由做 order 這件事,沒錢出些力總可以吧 ^_^