久違的 Drupal Taiwan 南部聚會來啦!
一群在幾年前定期舉辦〈嘉義小聚〉的 drupaler,決定近期在台南重新開始辦聚會。第一次的台南小聚將在 12/2 週六下午舉行,如果你人也在附近,歡迎報名參加!
- 主題:
- 好久不見,大家來聊聊 Drupal 吧
- Global Training Days 2017: chauxcedric 介紹 Drupal 8 與 Docker (英文演說 / 中文翻譯)
- 介紹 11/10 -12/10 Drupal Association membership campaign
- 主辦:TKY
- 名額:場地上限可容納 12 人,報名請早。(請在下方表填寫報名資訊)
- 費用:活動免費,自付店內飲料消費
星期六, 十二月 2, 2017 - 15:00
TNN 701
使用者名稱 |
Signup time![]() |
yosia | 2017-10-26 (四) 13:40 |
liaozi | 2017-10-26 (四) 14:14 |
tky | 2017-10-26 (四) 15:02 |
chauxcedric | 2017-11-01 (三) 10:23 |
devil07 | 2017-11-16 (四) 10:41 |
Megoks | 2017-11-16 (四) 15:52 |
tazus | 2017-11-17 (週五) 07:25 |
MaximaTsai | 2017-11-26 (周日) 13:50 |
Drupal Training day 2017
Hi this meeting day happen to be during global drupal training day , Maybe it is possible small introduction course for Drupal in Tainan ?
Sure, chauxcedric. Do you
Sure, chauxcedric. Do you want to have a presentation in this meetup?
drupal presentation training day
hi tky, I ll be coming from Taichung , I will be happy to do a drupal presentation for beginner and also introduce docker and drupal quickly for the other members.
I don t have a projector through.
chauxcedric, no worry, I will
chauxcedric, no worry, I will arrange the projectot. How long would you need to do the present?
And can you just help us to signup the global training day on drupal.org?
global training day
That s great , I think 40 min should be fine , 30 min for presentation and 10 min for questions and answers.
if some of you dont speak english I might need somebody helps me to translate , maybe the presentation or the speech. , what do you think ?
I will apply for the global training day event online tonight and I ll let you know when it will be done.
If some of you don't speak english, I might need somebody helps me to translate , what do you think
chauxcedric, I am not
chauxcedric, I am not familiar with Docker, however I thnk I can do the translation if someone needs.
Can't wait the meetup in 12/2!
Hi Tky , I went to hospital today and got pneumonia from my girlfriend :(
This is quite contagious and I do no want to share diseace with you .
I propose to do the presentation through video conference if that is possible.
drupal event added to drupal training day wiki
You can check the url to let me know if there is any mistakes : https://groups.drupal.org/global-training-days-2017
I was thinking to do the training day in Taichung , but I think this meeting would also be a good opportunity to talk about starting some community meeting in Taichung too .
tky, I will send you the powerpoint presentation before the meeting, the introduction to docker should be simple , I found this chinese doc on docker :
http://www.widuu.com/docker/ , might help you get familiar with the term , my presentation relatively will be basic and practical.
chauxcedric, I could arrange
chauxcedric, I could arrange community in Taichung. What time would you prefer? Maybe the third weekend on December?
Meeting in Taichung
Hi , Mr Cheng , that would be a great idea , I know lot of people works on Saturday , so Sunday would probably be better. We could promote it on Meetup.org.
I lixe near Tonghai University but I am open for the location. Do you have any suggestion ?
Cedric 將改用視訊簡報
報名聚會的朋友們,運氣有點不好,預計要到現場簡報 D8+Docker 的朋友 Cedric 因為感冒,不想傳染給大家,所以明天下午不能到現場參加聚會了。
12/2 當天下午,我們會讓 Cedric 透過 Hangout 來做簡報,與到現場參加聚會朋友討論。
Hi chauxcedric,
Hi chauxcedric,
I've talked with tky, we think could try the community metting every month, odd month in Taichung and even month in Tainan.
So, I think we could arrange next month community metting in Taichung. How do you think about this?
If you agree too, I suggest the meeting date will be in 1/13 or 1/14 and the location could near Tonghai University.