
2011 DrupalCamp Taipei - 議程徵求

charlesc's 的頭像
charlesc 在 2011-04-12 (二) 22:52 發表

一年一度的 DrupalCamp Taipei,據說將在今年七月如期舉行!?



今天稍微看了一下 DrupalCon Chicago 2011 的議程,除了傳統的演講之外,還有一些普通特別、或是很特別的模式,剪貼了一下,給大家參考。



The DrupalCon Day Stage, located in the Exhibit Hall, is the venue for exclusive content such as lightning talks, case studies, sponsor demonstrations, and other unique and entertaining programming.
The DrupalCon Chicago Day Stage is sponsored by Duo Consulting.

Lightning Talks: The Drupal Hosting Power Hour
Anyone who has ever launched a site knows that your choice of server hosting is as important as what you run on it. Several top hosting providers talk about their Drupal-optimized services.

Core Conversations
The Core Conversations track is a place for people actively working on Drupal or Drupal.org to meet and plan the future of Drupal. Each session is either two 15 minute or one 30 minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of discussion.
Are Core Coversations for me?
The target audience who will get the most out of a Core Conversations session are those actively engaged in pushing Drupal forward:
People actively engaged in developing and furthering Drupal core.
People actively engaged in developing and furthering the Drupal.org infrastructure so that it can better support the rapidly growing Drupal community.
People actively engaged in developing and furthering Drupal documentation.

Birds of a Feather
Birds of a Feather (BoF) rooms are open all day from Tuesday, March 8 at 11 am through Friday, March 11 at 5pm. BoFs allow ad-hoc groups to meet and discuss issues that may have a more narrow interest than regular conference sessions, or get together as a group of like-minded individuals to talk about common problems.

Ignite DrupalCon: enlighten us, but make it quick!
Ignite is a fast-paced, fun, presentation style that educates and entertains. This year Ignite is coming to DrupalCon Chicago! Eight presenters will be selected to offer their talks on the Day Stage on Tuesday, March 8, from 4:30-5:30pm.

Ignite talks give you the opportunity to share your fascinations and passions with the Drupal community. But, there's a catch: you are strictly limited to five minutes, and twenty slides, which advance automatically every 15 seconds.

The traditional post-conference sprint, which will be held on Friday, March 11 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, is an opportunity for anyone to pitch in and help make Drupal better, whether it’s by writing code, reviewing patches, developing new modules and themes, or helping improve content and documentation on the Drupal.org website. Sprints will be in the Superior, Michigan, Erie, Huron and Ontario rooms on the Meeting Room floor.