
drupalcamp flyer腦力激盪

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jesselue 在 2010-03-23 (二) 10:12 發表

drupalcamp flyer腦力激盪:2010年03月23a日星期二

Brainstorm on Drupalcamp flyer.


受命做個material writing志工,不知從何下手,記得jenny說flyer很重要,就從flyer開始唄!

English version :

As assigned to be a material writer for drupalcamp, the first question is "Where to start?". Jenny said that flyer is very important, so why not start from flyer?
After reading what Jenny provided info on DrupalCamp芝加哥DrupalCamp洛山磯DrupalCamp亞特蘭大, and the info googled -- DrupaCamp根特DrupalCamp哥本哈根. There is no immediate clue. Even if there is, we still need to merge the information into Taiwan market.
Staring November last year, I knew drupal. It has been only four months. The knwoledge that I have on drupal is not enough to create a quality brochure. This is why the article is here. I NEED HELP!I am thinking: "why don't we brainstorm here and then I will summarize the idea and provide a few preliminary contents for final decisions?".
From 3/20 meeting, I feel that jimmy/kiang/tokimeki/charles are all very experienced people with taiwan market. I will particularly need your help. Sothat the flyer can be valueable to sponsors and participants.
Jenny and John had a lot of experiences on drupalcamp and drupalcon internationally. I will need your innovative idea to build a dream for the people.
Any other people's thoughts are also urgently needed.

任何其他想法也歡迎(all input welcome)。

Here is the website for DrupalCon San Francisco: http://sf2010.drupal.org/. San Francisco is well known for their cable car. So, the logo and the website has that feel to it. What is Taipei known for? Taipei 101? Miramar's fairs wheel? City hall? Yang-Ming Mountain? Floral Expo? Any special birds or plants that we have? What do we have in July that is special? I am sorry that I don't know Taipei that well to give concrete suggestions, but I hope these questions can provide you with a direction to go with. Also, Julia is in charge of graphics, maybe a discussion with her is necessary. ^_^

Thank you again for volunteering.

Actually, I like to thank you to create the dream of drupalCamp in Taiwan. Sothat all of us can start weaving the dream for the next few months. And then enjoy the memory for many years to come.

I have never been a volunteer. Any of my time has to be converted to some forms of money in the past. So this is my first volunteer work. Maybe/just maybe, i may become a "professional" volunteerer in the future. 哈哈~~~

(note: this is in English。So Jenny's husband can read and know how popular jenny is! except that i really donot know how to make 哈哈~~~ into english expression)


我參加超過一天的研討會經驗不多,不過感覺上 Jenny 想辦成有點類似 ICOS 那樣,不過有幾點不同:

  1. 時間:如果我記得沒錯有聽到早餐會,晚上還有交流的 Party,我是不太建議弄早餐會,因為能參加的人可能不多,晚上的 Party 倒是沒有關係。
  2. 收費:過去幾次 DrupalTaiwan 活動的報到跟收費都是臨時指定小弟我來幫忙,所以常常會手忙腳亂,這次如果能好好規劃的話,這部份的環節會比較順利。
  3. 成本:當天雖然有提到預計參與的人數跟場地規模去逆推門票收費的價格,不過有些錢還是要事先給付的,這部份誰來代墊?如果虧本的話誰要來補洞?
  4. 票務:如果說是憑票入場,那麼該如何賣票?是當場拿票還是要事先認購?

關於收費這件事, 可否考慮開個劃撥帳戶, 讓有意願參與者在指定的截止日前先劃撥入帳, 再到網路上完成報名程序?


如此一來, 報名人數既已掌握(錢都繳了, 大部份都會出席), 接著安排工作會比較好進行.