來喔!來讚聲喔!加入Taiwan Group
hanamizuki站長已經在groups.drupal.org上添加了Taiwan Group.
現在只有兩個人頭掛在那裡, 粉孤單耶;(
至於...做什麼用呢??? 阿知~~~
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hanamizuki站長已經在groups.drupal.org上添加了Taiwan Group.
現在只有兩個人頭掛在那裡, 粉孤單耶;(
至於...做什麼用呢??? 阿知~~~
Hi! I'm an American who will be staying in Taipei for a year. I'm looking for Web designers/programmers in Taiwan that are familiar with Drupal. I am interested in hiring one or two designers to make a multi-lingual site using drupal. If you are interested please contact me at elilyons@gmail.com. If you have any suggestions on how to find a suitable web design company or programmer please respond let me know.
我不好意思,我的中文不太好所以我用英寫廣告。我是一個美國人,現在住在臺北。我想找一位很會Drupal的Web programmer。 有興趣的話,請跟我聯絡