
CKEditor 7.x-1.14 大革新

gloomcheng's 的頭像
gloomcheng 在 2014-07-12 (週六) 01:33 發表

大革新是指,以後安裝 CKEditor 模組不用再下載 CKEditor 的原始程式了
從 7.x-1.14 版開始,會自動從 CDN 抓編輯器,而且 CKEditor 4.x 的介面也變得好看很多

To use CKEditor in Drupal, you may need to download CKEditor (the library which this module relies on). This would not be necessary starting from version 7.x-1.14 (not released yet - 24 April, 2014), where the installation has been simplified and CKEditor from official CDN is available by default.
