

say2sky's 的頭像
say2sky 在 2008-08-05 (二) 11:10 發表


Download method:
Public - files are available using HTTP directly.
Private - files are transferred by Drupal.
If you want any sort of access control on the downloading of files, this needs to be set to private. You can change this at any time, however all download URLs will change and there may be unexpected problems so it is not recommended.

如果是圖像文件, 設置為private在內容頁面也可以下載圖片, 是不是不能用wget類的用戶命令下載呢? 或是直接訪問文件系統的目錄?
2)說明中說可以在任何時候切換 private/public, 但是會有不可預料的問題, 那這個是什麽問題呢?
3)如果先切換了private/public, 然後在切換回到原來的設置, 是不是不可預料的問題就不會出現? 還是問題依舊呢?
4)因為原始的說明不太清楚, 所以想了解一下, 實在是"不可預料的問題"有點駭人.



I did some more digging on this one and it seems the problem is with the part of the upload.module that generates the temp address for previewing the attached file/image in the body area before submitting. If this bug is corrected it would make it possible to switch between public and private settings for file handling. This would then seem to be a bug... as forcing this decision once for all time at install on a site is a bit heavy handed eh?

It seems the files do upload once the node is saved but the temp address functions do not work properly for previewing prior to node save unless file settings are switched back to the original setting (private in this case).

但是我還是很朦胧, 這到底是什麽意思.