

DanielLee's 的頭像
DanielLee 在 2007-04-19 (四) 11:23 發表


目前自己的作法是 OG+Forums Access分類


咦,發文時不設 public、只選A或B群組,別組不就看不到了...嗎?

Visibility of posts:
Visible only within the targeted groups
Visible within the targeted groups and on other pages
Visibility chosen by author/editor using a checkbox on the posting form. Checkbox defaults to Public.
Visibility chosen by author/editor using a checkbox on the posting form. Checkbox defaults to Private.

Determine how broadly available a given post should be when it is affiliated with a group. OG admins always see the checkbox for making a post Public. Note that changing this setting has no effect on existing posts. Re-save those posts to acquire this new setting.