
Drupal Taiwan主機的DB好像怪怪的...

ddtet's 的頭像
ddtet 在 2008-01-11 (週五) 10:11 發表

從昨天下午開始.... 就斷斷續續出現幾次...
都是出現連不到DB錯誤訊息... (這樣應該就不是我這邊Client的問題了吧!!)

有圖有真相.... 今天早上(剛剛)又遇到一次, 把圖抓下來,趁現在可以用的時候留下這篇文章...

Image icon drupal_err.jpg40.75 KB


I'm writing you about your databases blog06db and drupaltaiwan5. I've
had to disable both for causing high loads on a brand new mysql server.
The databases are each running over a million queries a day and are too
busy for shared hosting. If you need a backup of the database so you can
host it elsewhere let me know at -----@dreamhost.com. The databases
needed to be disabled as we can't allow one customer to use most of the
resources of a mysql server, and you are causing slowness and problems
for other customers.
