
Insert Node

imtodtod's 的頭像
imtodtod 在 2010-07-07 (三) 19:19 發表


管理>網站設定>輸入格式>設定>啟動Insert node [re-renamed]選項。

1. enable insertnode module
2. modify your input format profile -> add insertnode filter
3. create your webform node (say, for example, the node id is : 150)
4. add [insert:150] wherever you want to add this webform in other nodes

[node:123] 插入節點123的所有內容。
[node:123 teaser] 只插入節點123的標題部份。
[node:123 body] 只插入節點123的內容部份。
[node:123 collapsible] 插入節點123的所有內容,並可折疊/展開,預設為展開狀態。
[node:123 collapsible collapsed] 插入節點123的所有內容,並可折疊/展開,預設為折疊狀態。

[node:123] - insert full text (themed by theme('node'))
[node:123 body] - insert node's body
[node:123 teaser] - insert node's teaser
[node:123 link] - insert link to node
[node:123 collapsed] - insert collapsed node's body

[node:123|* parameters] - insert a node content
themed, content, body, teaser, or page - insert the node's content themed in different ways
cck - insert a cck field, or unthemed title, teaser or body
title, link, more or edit - insert link to node with title, edit or "Read more..."
collapsed or collapsible - display the selection collapsible and eventually collapsed
created, modified - insert the date when the node was created, modified
comments - insert node comments
demote - increment (>0) or decrement (<0) the headers level
noterms - remove all the terms so as to hide them
plain - do not insert the output inside any tag
repeat - repeat the filter on the inserted content
imagefield - insert an image from a CCK field with links
booktree - insert a booktree




