
ffmpeg wrapper output format项为空,这个问题如何解决?请助!!!!

tianyehua's 的頭像
tianyehua 在 2010-09-25 (週六) 12:22 發表

About FFmpeg installation 显示内容如下

FFmpeg version:

'ffmpeg' �����ڲ����ⲿ���Ҳ���ǿ����еij��� �������ļ���

Version of FFmpeg running on your system
Supported file formats:
name 类型 decode encode description
File formats that the installed version of FFmpeg supports.
Installed codecs:
codec codec type decode encode
FFmpeg was either compiled with these codecs, or these are the codecs available on your system

在 * FFmpeg Wrapper Test Conversion中,outputformat项为空。故而每次TEST都不成功。
