
2009 年十個最酷的開源碼產品

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charlesc 在 2009-12-27 (周日) 18:14 發表

The 10 Coolest Open-Source Products Of 2009

Drupal 排第一 ~~

1. Drupal
The Drupal content management system runs Whitehouse.gov and dozens of other high-profile Web sites. And with more than 500,000 installations to date, Drupal's success appears destined to continue. "Without a doubt, Drupal has been the runaway success story of the year," declares John Locke, principal consultant at Freelock Computing, a Seattle-based open-source consultancy. Acquia, a startup in charge of commercializing Drupal, has received more than $18 million in venture capital to date, which is testimony to the key role Drupal is playing in pushing forward the notion of the Semantic Web.