
Drupal.org redesign code sprints 募款中!

charlesc's 的頭像
charlesc 在 2009-01-09 (週五) 10:18 發表

2009 年 1-3 月,Drupal.org 的網站重新設計小組,將在德國、美國、法國舉辦四次實做聚會,需要你的捐款贊助!

詳見: Drupal.org redesign code sprints -- donate now

code sprints 類似 Hackathon,在短時間內(1-2天)聚集幾位開發人員,快速有效地共同完成一個專案、或特定目標。

Drupal.org - Code sprints:

A code sprint is getting developers in a room for a set amount of time – usually one to two days – and just writing code. That’s it. You’re not teaching anything. Participants will learn from others as they go, but the focus is not on instruction. The goal is to create working software. Code sprints are also sometimes called hackathons or codeathons.

拋磚引玉,我先捐了50美元 (NT$1,708 TWD) :P