

AACC88's 的頭像
AACC88 在 2008-11-30 (周日) 22:48 發表

我使用drupal 6.x.,接到空間商電郵:
We have detected that your account executing a slow MySQL queries.

MySQL Query: select t.word as realword, i.word from search_total t left join search_index i on t.word = i.word wh

Slow MySQL queries are not allowed, because you share server resources with thousands of other users and your long MySQL queries are slowering the server and other users are having MySQL performance and connectivity problems. Please optimize your MySQL queries as soon as possible.
Here are some good articles how to optimize MySQL queries: http://www.google.com/search?q=optimize+mysql+queries

Good tips how you can optimize your scripts and make our servers run faster:
- disable visitors monitoring and tracking (each move of your visitor makes database query)
- disable all unused modules
- disable internal stats for your website - use http://www.google.com/analytics/ for example


Throttle 應該不是這樣用的

MySQL Query: select t.word as realword, i.word from search_total t left join search_index i on t.word = i.word wh
主要你還是找出這個整句是什麼才行, 然後再從相關模組動手

國外主機很多可以翻查 slow MySQL queries的log files, 看看那些queries引起