
希望用slideshow creator播放的圖片應該放哪兒?

AACC88's 的頭像
AACC88 在 2008-09-30 (二) 08:37 發表

slideshow creator已安裝啟用。請問希望用slideshow creator播放的圖片應該放哪兒?如何操作?

讀一下 README.txt

New feature: automatically extract images from a given directory
You can create a normal slideshow, but you can scan for more images using dir=|DIR_IMAGE|DIR_RECURSIVE|DIR_LINK|TITLE|DESCRIPTION|TARGET|

DIR_IMAGE [required]: the diretory that you want to scan for images
DIR_RECURSIVE [optional]: "yes" if you want to scan recursively or leave it blank
DIR_LINK [optional]: "yes" if you want link all images to their own path or leave it blank
TITLE,DESCRIPTION and TARGET are applied to all images

example: (you can copy and paste)
[slideshow: 2, rotate=2, blend=1, img=|http://drupal.org/themes/bluebeach/logos/drupal.org.png|drupal.org|Drupal|The ultimate CMS. Download it now!|Drupal|, img=|http://www.mysql.com/common/logos/mysql_100x52-64.gif|http://www.mysql.com|MySQL|Free and reliable SQL server and client.|_self|, dir=|files/|yes||Generic Photos|Arent they great?||]