
Drupal 使用性測試報告

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jimmy 在 2008-06-30 (週一) 12:39 發表

在美國及歐洲,做UI是一項很專門的領域。Drupal送進了 Baltimore大學裡的Interaction Design and Information Architecture 專案,由八個研究生組成的專案小組研究Drupal的各方使用性問題。



  • 所見即所得輸入介面:WYSIWYG in core: WYSIWYG group, Better input format support in Drupal 7
  • 「內容」到底是啥?Evaluators said that "content" was used too often in too many contexts and that was confusing: content, post, node , Change "story" content type to "article" or "news", Content types descriptions tweaks
  • 管理介面哩?Distinguish administration areas of Drupal and content areas: Rethinking /admin, Admin dashboard, Admin theme
  • 需要步驟來指引:Several evaluators wanted a step by step instruction on how to start: First steps out of the box , Help API, including discussion about tutorials, Burn the help manual a strategy for self explaining UX
  • 建立文件後,但不確定是否已經建立:Evaluators successfully added content but didn't recognize it had been created: Node administration
  • 受測者說,為什麼管理說明不放在首頁?Evaluators confused that help about administration was on the homepage and expected administration information on the homepage: Help API, Burn the Help Manual video.
  • 喔這個我也很頭痛,到底Teaser是啥?Evaluators said "I'm not sure what a 'teaser' is."
  • block缺少preview功能:An evaluator created a new block, but didn't notice what had been created or other changes associate with the block: Preview feature for blocks

建立content type時的問題

  • 文章設定裡,應該要有[建立新欄位]:Evaluators clicked on "Post Settings" expecting to find field additions: Improve understanding of add new fields
  • 受測者找不到Add field(真的嗎?):Several Evaluators never clicked the "add field" link, but clicked every other link: Move fields to top level in Content Management, Improve messages when there are no fields available or enabled
  • 受測者認為,Content type的功能就是可以加上欄位,但Drupal需要cck才有此功能(這倒是):Evaluators thought that content type was a field that could be added to a page: Fields in core
  • 受測者通常都從「網站建制」的管理分類想去找到「content type」Evaluators navigated to the "Site Building" page to start the process: some of this is fixed in D7, move content types and forums into site building, rework admin categories
  • Evaluators were confused by grouping of radio buttons on the Content Field page: Remove nested fieldsets on add field form
  • Evaluators expected "Access Control" to be within the "Content Type" menu: Split access rules into an optional module

原文請看這兒: http://drupal.org/usability-test-university-baltimore-community-solutions
使用性群組: http://groups.drupal.org/usability