
Drupal 的多元資料庫支援再次受到考驗

hswong3i's 的頭像
hswong3i 在 2008-01-16 (三) 11:06 發表

對 PostgreSQL 支援的攻擊又再出現 (http://lists.drupal.org/pipermail/development/2008-January/028295.html):

Still there are no testers. I want to reiterate my plea: make postgresql support somewhat optional. If there are testers, great, if not, go on with life. You can flame me, but this is already the state of affairs just noone wants to admit. Just see http://groups.drupal.org/node/6980 . Greg spoonfeeds you. I know we will get testers for the rest of the week because of this letter and then they will move away as it happened uncounted times.

同類的戲碼已經並非第一次上演;如果不希望明天只有單元的資料庫支援,請在今天就為 PostgreSQL 支援伸出援手,幫忙測試 (http://groups.drupal.org/node/6980)。謝謝。