
最新消息:Drupal 6.0 beta 1 今日发布!

myjiadian's 的頭像
myjiadian 在 2007-09-15 (週六) 17:17 發表

After eight months of development, we are proud to let you know that the first beta version of the Drupal 6.x family is released. This beta includes a tremendous number of new features and new programming APIs for both users and developers. We improved Drupal's human language related features, interoperability with databases, logging solutions, sign on systems and also included an update notification module for improved security, so it becomes easier then ever to get up to date with the latest security and bug fixes.
经过紧张的8个月的辛苦开发,DRUPAL团队自豪的发布了DRUPAL 6.0 的第一个BETA版本。这个BETA版包括了大量的新功能和新的程序开发接口。。。。。