

炎舞's 的頭像
炎舞 在 2007-05-09 (三) 22:32 發表

安裝後一直無法出現特效, 後面的說明檔有點看不大懂

* If you already have some image_gallery galleries with images in them, check 'build thumbnail library' in the miscellaneous section and hit save <------ 我將這個選項打勾後save, 不過還是變成沒有打勾的選項

* Navigate to http://yoursite.com/fgallery to see the module in action
<---從這裡開始我就不是很懂得怎麼處理了, 應該不是真的到"http://yoursite.com/fgallery"這個網站去看吧?

* Suggestion: set a path alias for fgallery

* Suggestion: disable all blocks on fgallery/* as this will give you more space to display your albums

請問有人可以幫解答嗎? 感激不盡^^||

* If you already have some image_gallery galleries with images in them, check 'build thumbnail library' in the miscellaneous section and hit save <------ 我將這個選項打勾後save, 不過還是變成沒有打勾的選項


Suggestion: set a path alias for fgallery
-> 建議: 建立一個fgallery的簡潔路徑

Suggestion: disable all blocks on...
-> 它是建議在秀 flash gallery 的頁面時,關掉其他邊欄的區塊,以便增加秀圖的版面空間。