
值得期待的 Web File Manager 模組

Hipfox's 的頭像
Hipfox 在 2007-01-06 (週六) 14:20 發表

這是一個進階的文件檔案管理模組,目前還沒發行,還蠻期待的 ...
WebFM 模組加入了Drupal的檔案管理之中,可以管理實體的目錄樹,跟原來的 filesystem 單一目錄的管理方式不一樣,它使用 AJAX 技術允許用戶整理在伺服器上的檔案。


* Application-like look and feel via AJAX
* Drag and drop moves of files and directories (recursive)
* Attachment of files to multiple nodes - location independence allows dir restructuring to have no affect on attachment functionality
* Drag and drop attachment ordering
* Single file upload
* Staging area for mass upload/importation
* File delete/rename/attach/detach/metadata menu options
* Directory create/rename/delete menu options
* Secure file download
* Metadata editor (fixed fields at this time)
* File search
* Debug area for javascript development

可以看看一些螢幕的截取圖: http://webfm.web.ca/node/8
參考網址: http://drupal.org/project/webfm


# user warning: Unknown column 'tu.vid' in 'where clause' query: SELECT t.* FROM term_data t INNER JOIN term_user tu WHERE tu.tid = t.tid AND tu.vid = t.vid AND tu.uid = 1 ORDER BY weight, name in /var/www/vhosts/poper.com.tw/httpdocs/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 121.
# user warning: Unknown column 'tu.vid' in 'where clause' query: SELECT t.* FROM term_data t INNER JOIN term_user tu WHERE tu.tid = t.tid AND tu.vid = t.vid AND tu.uid = 1 ORDER BY weight, name in
